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White paper: Fast-track to software-defined vehicles

An analysis by PAC | teknowlogy Group shows how OEMs can cross the roadblocks to the software-defined vehicle

A paradigm shift for Europe's OEMs

The EU automotive sector must adapt to the new conjuncture of CASE (connected, autonomous, shared, electrical) and digitalization and consider the need for incorporating software, sustainability, and supply-chain resilience in their business model. The transformation to the software-defined vehicle will help the automotive industry overcome its current challenges impacted by multiple crises and changing customer expectations.

Understand the race for softwarization of the automotive sector

  • How transforming to software-defined vehicles is set to increase OEM profit yields
  • Why driver experience is the new driver in vehicle purchases
  • How OEMs fare in the race to software-defined vehicles
  • What stumbling blocks OEMs face in the softwarization of their vehicles
  • How software development capabilities and connected car services support OEMs


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