black and white picture of a row of server racks

From Green Magenta to Green IT

Rethink the system: With climate-neutral cloud and data-based analysis

Use green IT solutions and green data centres to do business sustainably

Will we soon have to lead in green to lead in business? The fact is that we won't achieve tomorrow's climate targets using yesterday's technologies. As an IT and digitalisation service provider, T-Systems supports companies with green technologies, green cloud services, smarter logistics, or analysis of IoT data to push forward with digital growth and at the same time invest in sustainability and the environment.

Pact for climate-neutral data centres

The number of data centres and their hardware is significantly rising on a global level and the energy consumption will therefore be high. The digital association Bitkom estimates that the energy consumption from the data centres in Germany alone could increase up to 35 billion kilowatt hours by 2030. T-Systems is, therefore, continuously optimising the efficiency of its own data centres and has joined the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact which is committed to the European Green Deal. T-Systems has been sourcing its electricity for the data centres exclusively from renewable energy since the start of 2021.

Can logistics be sustainable?

The logistics industry causes a huge amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Using dynamic route planning, smart documents accompanying goods or IoT based smart building technologies to implement efficient, sustainable processes.

How Green IT significantly reduces CO2 emissions

#GreenMagenta bundles green products and sustainability initiatives from Telekom. As a subsidiary company, T-Systems offers companies #GreenMagenta IT services that contribute towards sustainability. For this, IT experts advise customers among other things, on how they can set themselves up for an ecologically sustainable future using digital solutions and identify significant potential to reduce their CO2 output.. ISG, therefore, sees T-Systems as a leading provider in the field of sustainability and decarbonization.

Dashboard for sustainability measurement

Environmental and climate programs are indisputably the right routes to a greener future. But how is it possible to measure and prove that the ambitious goals are actually being achieved? T-Systems has developed a configurable SDG dashboard for this together with 20 communities in Spain. Syrah Sustainability allows all public and private organizations and companies to define, visualise, measure, and monitor indicators for sustainability. The data also helps to identify which measures don't bring about the desired result and where in the operation readjustments are required.

Implementing sustainability strategies

More sustainable using IT!

Would you also like to know which starting points there are in your company to develop and produce more sustainably and how IT can support this? Feel free to contact us!

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