
T-Systems Accessibility Feedback

T-Systems North America, Inc. (“T-Systems”) is committed to the principles set out in the Accessible Canada Act and its regulations (collectively, the “Act”) with a goal to identifying and mitigating barriers to accessibility to our website, services and facilities.   T-Systems welcomes feedback on accessibility and the purpose of the feedback process set out below is to collect feedback from people with disabilities who may experience difficulties regarding accessing and reading our website, using our services and/or visiting our company premises.  Your feedback is very important to us.

You can request a description of our accessibility feedback process in an alternate format by contacting us at the contact details set out below.

If you wish to provide us with feedback, you can submit that feedback by e-mail, facsimile, phone or mail at the addresses set out below.  You can submit this information anonymously by not providing your contact details (name, phone number, address, etc.).  However, we may be able to better address the issues raised in your feedback if you include your contact details.    By contacting us, you agree to the collection, use and storage of the personal information that you provide to us for the purposes of responding to your feedback and for improving our services and accessibility. This information will not be shared with any third party.

The designated person responsible for receiving accessibility feedback is David Friedman, General Counsel who can be reached at the contact details set out below.
Once feedback has been received, a staff member will follow up on necessary actions to be taken. If required, you may be contacted for further investigation to help resolve the issue if your contact details were provided with your feedback.

In order to assist us better deal with your feedback, please include with your feedback whether it is in relation to issues in relation website, services or premises accessibility.  If you are including your contact details, please indicate your preferred method of contact.  

In accordance with the Act, T-Systems will publish an Accessibility Plan on or before June 1, 2023.

Your feedback can be sent as follows:

  • By e-mail:         tsna-compliance@t-systems.com
  • By phone:         +1 (630) 493-6100
  • By mail:            1901 Butterfield Rd., Ste. 640, Downers Grove, IL 60515 USA
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