A cloud hovers between a globe and a network.

Hybrid Cloud: the best of both worlds

The Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid combines the security of a private cloud with the flexibility of a public cloud

Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid

A flexible, scalable private cloud that can be expanded at any time: That is what the Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid based on OpenStack offers. It is delivered ready for use as a plug and play solution – power and network connections are all you need! OpenStack ensures a low vendor lock-in risk. The private cloud resources can be easily combined with Telekom's public cloud computing offer, because the software and hardware technologies are identical. 

Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid - an overview

 Cloud in octagon
  • OpenStack-based private cloud solution with resources and components that can be scaled flexibly and with calculable costs (OPEX instead of CAPEX)
  • Managed private cloud services can be combined easily with the public cloud, because the software and hardware technologies are identical
  • Low vendor lock-in risk and high level of security for the future thanks to the OpenStack open source solution
  • The choice is yours: Operation as managed service in your data center or (alternatively) in the T-Systems data center
  • Managed private cloud computing in four basic configurations, with individually expandable components such as RAM, block and object storage, as well as all of the components and cloud services that are offered by the public cloud

How to benefit from the Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid

  • Ready to use immediately: All you need are network and power connections
  • Professional, automated security and network tests
  • Managed services: T-Systems experts take over the management as well as software updates and hardware maintenance
  • Technological basis for ensuring compliance as well as meeting regulatory, data protection, and legal requirements
  • Ability to react quickly to market changes
  • Move workloads between private and public cloud instances without the need to adjust anything
  • Single, unified management tool
  • Orchestration of processes through cloud-based automation
  • Comprehensive 24/7 support from experienced cloud experts

Operating Hybrid Clouds Homogeneously

Interested in a ready-to-use, flexibly scalable private cloud based on OpenStack, which can be combined smoothly with the public cloud? Write and/or call us and find out about the Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid.

Application scenarios for the Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid

Real-time data processing

For latency-free data processing, edge computing and the hybrid cloud based on Open Telekom Cloud technology are ideal. The decentralized computing and storage capacities are located close to where the data originates, they provide real-time access to the processed data, and store the data in the Open Telekom Cloud at the same time.

Cloud without a network infrastructure

With the Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid, companies can use IT resources as private cloud services even in remote locations - regardless of the network connection. The servers are implemented directly where they are needed. A connection to the Internet or to the public cloud is not absolutely necessary for operation.

Buffer for load peaks (cloud bursting)

When companies need high-performance computing capacity at short notice and for short periods, they can expand their private cloud with resources from the public cloud – anytime and spontaneously. Storage and computing capacities can be switched on and off as needed. This enables load peaks to be absorbed.

Backup and disaster recovery

The public cloud offers affordable long-term storage. For maximum security, data can, for example, be stored in encrypted form in Object Based Storage. Those who do not want to store data in the public cloud, but still want to store it redundantly, can use two private, separated availability zones in which the systems are mirrored.

Application development with DevOps

Agile application development dovetails the areas of development, testing and operation. With hybrid cloud platforms, companies can accelerate software development and shorten approval procedures. Applications can be ported as needed between teams and their respective private or public environments. To enable this, hardware and software should be set up uniformly in the public and private clouds – as is the case in the Open Telekom Cloud Hybrid.

Service provider and cloud broker

Hybrid cloud computing solutions offer IT departments the opportunity to build a unified service catalog and establish themselves as cloud brokers in the enterprise. This in turn reduces the amount of shadow IT. Instead of obtaining applications from an unknown cloud, departments can select their services from private or public instances of the Open Telekom Cloud. This ensures compliance with requirements such as scalability, security and governance.

More about the Open Telekom Cloud

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