Digital encrypted lock with data multilayers.


Successfully pass or complete the information security assessment by an accredited provider

Your Current Situation

Your Company is planning to conduct an information security assessment as part of TISAX® and would like to be optimally prepared for the assessment. Or you have already completed an assessment and now need support in implementing the improvement measures.

This project is intended to ensure compliance with the defined information security requirements in accordance with TISAX®.

The goal is to successfully pass or complete the information security assessment by an accredited provider and to provide evidence of an adequate level of information security for TISAX®.

Our Service Portfolio

Based on your specific initial situation and in line with our modular process model, we start with

  • Phase 1 Gap analysis if you want to prepare for an assessment or
  • Phase 2 Implementation if you need support with implementation.

Please note that a commissioned Fit for TISAX® consulting service excludes a subsequent TISAX® Assessment by OS.

We will be happy to submit an individual offer. Please contact us!

TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association.

Modular Process Model for Information Security Consulting

Modular Approach: Integrated Management – System (IMS)

Phase 1 Gap analysis
In the first step, it makes sense to carry out a gap analysis - the neutral analysis of the current situation in your company - in a joint workshop. On the basis of document review and interviews, you will find out where you stand and which tasks still need to be performed to achieve your goals. Our consultants will then derive the necessary improvements and evaluate the implementation effort.

A gap analysis can also be the results of a pre-audit on information security or a TISAX® assessment with corresponding findings.

Phase 2   Implementation

The content and scope of the implementation phase are defined based on the results of Phase 1 and your objectives. We will work with you to develop a catalog of measures to support you in preparing to achieve your goals. 

Then it is time to implement the defined measures. These services are offered by OS, but can also be provided by your company, at least in part. The exact division of tasks will be determined at the beginning of this phase.

Phase 3   Support
Our consultants prepare your company optimally for the certification audit or TISAX® assessment, using proven audit checklists. Before and after certification or assessment, our consultants are available to provide immediate support if your employees need assistance or if additional improvement measures are identified.
We assist your company right up to certification maturity.

Phase 4   Further assistance

If necessary, OS' specialist consultants can temporarily carry out activities and processes on your behalf, even if these are the obligations of the client:

  • Externally appointed information security officer
  • External support for internal audits or reviews

Ask us for more information!

Information Security Experts

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