Artificial Neurons on a grey background

Get started with the Telekom Data Science Platform

Managed cloud service based on open-source tools like Kubeflow and Jupyter plus enterprise security and EU-based support

Accelerate your machine learning journey

Do you want to bring the power of predictive analytics to your application? The Telekom Data Science Platform is an end-to-end platform for data science and AI development as well as production. It is built from community-driven open sources products such as JuypterLab and Kubeflow and was additionally extended and security hardened by T-Systems. We bring the platform to any cloud provider of your choice and operate it as a managed service based on our enterprise SLAs.

Exploring opportunities in cloud and beyond

Get started with our platform now

With the Telekom Data Science Platform, our experts help you to easily and seamlessly build AI and ML models for data science in any cloud. Want to find out how? Get in touch with us!
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