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Reliable migration to SAP S/4HANA®

Your journey into the digital age: demand-based and tailor-made solutions for a successful SAP S/4HANA migration

Get the most out of your SAP S/4HANA migration

For SAP user companies, there is no getting around SAP S/4HANA. Digitalization calls for a change in thinking – whether in the approach to projects, in working together in decentralized teams, in the development of skills, or in the use of technologies. As a certified SAP partner, T-Systems will accompany you along your journey to the digital age and pave your way to becoming a smart company.

Mastering challenges with SAP S/4HANA

Young woman is smiling and looking at the screen of her laptop

The SAP S/4HANA suite offers companies a foundation for digitalization, internet of things (IoT), and Industry 4.0. Develop new digital business models and generate more added value in the age of smart businesses – thanks to the real-time capabilities of the SAP HANA in-memory platform and the latest generation of cloud-based SaaS solutions. Our Value Consulting for SAP S/4HANA helps your organization get answers to questions such as: Is your organization and IT environment ready? Which functions deliver value? How big is the challenge? What is the business case? How do I reduce the life-time costs? How do I get from A to B?

T-Systems’ Transformation Factory for SAP S/4HANA

Cloud migrations, DSGVO compliant provision of test data and process harmonisation are among the key challenges today. Our automated assessment offerings help to minimise project costs and risks as well as downtimes of the productive SAP system. With the T-Systems' License Value Case for SAP Landscapes, optimise licence models and achieve up to 30% cost savings every asset pays for itself. Invest freed up budget profitably, for example, when changing the licence model or the hub to SAP S/4HANA.

T-Systems is an expert transformation consultant and certified SAP partner

SAP-certified Provider for Hosting Services

As a certified provider of SAP Hosting Services, T-Systems will operate and maintain your entire SAP environment in highly secure data centers, while adhering to the strictest SAP criteria regarding defined operating processes, high-security standards, and transparent monitoring and reporting tools.

SAP-certified in Cloud & Infrastructure Operations

T-Systems offers you state-of-the-art, SAP-certified infrastructures and services from the public, hybrid, or private cloud, including all the benefits that come with maximum flexibility, high availability, and comprehensive security.

SAP-certified in SAP HANA Operations

With the SAP-certified solutions from T-Systems, your company will use services based on the SAP HANA platform securely and flexibly. Tap into countless innovation opportunities with cloud computing, internet of things, big data, real-time analytics, mobility, and much more.

SAP-certified in SAP Business Suite Solutions Operations

The SAP Business Suite Solutions Operations certification is a guarantee of high-quality application management. Make the most of your SAP applications with scalable and configurable Managed Application Services provided by T-Systems.

SAP-certified in SAP S/4HANA Solutions Operations

From maintenance to daily operations and support: As an SAP-certified partner, T-Systems will manage and operate all your SAP S/4HANA applications end-to-end. Benefit from our expertise and the global network of experts.

SAP-certified in SAP SuccessFactors Solutions Operations

T-Systems is also certified to manage the SAP SuccessFactors HCM suite for your company, allowing you to benefit from optimal and integrated HR processes.

SAP-certified in DevOps

With SAP's new DevOps certificate, T-Systems offers companies an innovative and efficient methodology from integrative system development through to operational processes.

SAP-certified in SAP BTP Operations

SAP BTP operations is the latest certification in the ‘SAP Certification for Outsourcing Partners’. The SAP BTP is intended to create a uniform environment for efficient data use and analysis, artificial intelligence, application development, automation, and integration.

T-Systems is a certified SAP Activate Partner

As a certified SAP Activate Partner, we will transform your company safely and risk-free using SAP S/4HANA. To do this, we use SAP Activate, SAP's implementation framework, in combination with our best practices for a successful entry into the SAP S/4HANA world.

T-Systems is an SAP Global Platinum Reseller

As an SAP Global Platinum Reseller, T-Systems is one of the elite sellers of SAP solutions. This platinum partner status is by invitation only and reserved for resellers with particularly high levels of expertise in the areas of SAP platforms and SAP products.

T-Systems is a certified global E2E SAP partner

The comprehensive managed services for SAP applications and more than 4,000 SAP experts enabled T-Systems to become one of the few certified E2E SAP partners worldwide.

Transform to SAP S/4HANA in record time

Migration to SAP S/4HANA is one of the most complex tasks for a company, and it is considered an important step in the company's strategy. Focus is placed on interface issues, the amount of data to be migrated and system downtime. Downtime should be kept to a minimum, so as not to disrupt the business. Whether you want a greenfield, brownfield, or BLUEFIELD™ approach, or a made-to-measure solution. Pick the solution that meets your specific needs.

SMARTField for SAP S/4HANA Transformation

Greenfield and Brownfield are the most prominent approaches for SAP S/4HANA transformation, but what if neither of them fits perfectly for you? T-Systems brings an alternative approach - SMARTField, which lets you leverage and retain your years of SAP ECC investments and at the same time have flexibility to adopt innovation available in SAP S/4HANA.

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Become a smart company now

Drive innovation in your business, digitalize processes, and increase your resilience to constantly changing market demands. We will show you how to future-proof your business by migrating to SAP S/4HANA. Contact us!
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