Neon frame in abstract room under starry sky

Innovation and inspiration at T-Systems

How are we shaping the digital future? Customers and experts work together in our creative centers to learn how to develop innovative solutions.

Innovation across all digital areas

Within industry, digitalization is increasingly turning established business models on their head. How can you best leverage the possibilities digitalization offers? At T-Systems, we are doing innovative and inspirational work on the fundamental building blocks of digitalization – advisory and cloud services, cloud infrastructure, and security. It’s on this basis that we work with you to develop a practical digital innovation strategy that you can utilize to create value within your company and gain a competitive advantage.

Where know-how meets creativity

Open exchange, fresh perspectives and the best experts from different organizations are the best recipe for ground-breaking innovations. Our modern creative workshops are designed to transform the ideas from numerous global communities working on the latest technological findings into results. This means that T-Systems customers benefit from our major innovation ecosystem, as well as the know-how of Deutsche Telekom.

Experience innovation live and get inspired – in person or in the metaverse!

From concept to practice

In our creative workshops, we work meticulously, research, and above all, collaborate. We encourage new ways of strategic thinking and provide greater opportunity to explore new ideas with the latest technology. Whether it’s in person in face-to-face innovation workshops or virtual ones in the metaverse: there is a focus on bringing innovation to day-to-day business.

Digital Innovation Workshops

Do you want to put your ideas into practice? In our workshops, you are sure to find the right inspiration!

Other research and innovation centers from T-Systems

From idea to use case

Are you curious, want to let your creativity loose, and test out the possibilities digitalization has to offer? Our experts answer your questions and support you with finding ideas and implementing your digital transformation.

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