Female professional worker office worker at her desk in the home office with PC screen of data graphs

Workflow optimization through data harmonization

Companies often have massive data. We enable you to harmonize and migrate it to new systems

Data, documents, workstations: Digital solutions for efficient collaboration

Knowledge is valuable. For products processes, and innovation in companies. But the treasure trove of data often exists in many different forms and in different tools and systems. How do you successfully migrate them to uniform, modern applications? What does secure and efficient enterprise content management look like? And how do companies design access and collaboration to be flexible, agile and virtual?

Collaboration tools and workstations from the cloud

Mobile working in the home office or on the road, access to data and applications anytime and anywhere - companies need to make their business processes agile to be resilient and fit for the future, and ensure their employees can collaborate in hybrid and virtual workplaces. Enter cloud collaboration solution: Collaboration 365 with Managed Hybrid Services for Citrix Cloud. This gives companies all the elements of a comprehensive collaboration strategy. Virtual workplaces, including all the necessary digital tools and with the highest security standards, can be rolled out and managed in just a few hours.

Collaboration services from the cloud

What you should consider in terms of the future of work.


Optimize workflows with us

We offer the right tools and comprehensive expertise for efficient data management, a future-proof application landscape and a modern IT infrastructure for digital collaboration. Feel free to contact our team of experts!

Analyze data, shut down legacy systems: Automated migration with Vamosa

The move to cloud collaboration tools, new intranet platforms, a company merger introducing new systems: are scenarios where companies want to transfer large amounts of data for which  intelligent migration solutions are needed. Simply transferring all old data records to the new system or implementing parallel operations with the legacy system is not very efficient. T-Systems helps you with modern migration services based on the Vamosa tool. The tool checks and optimizes the data sets and migrates them automatically to the target system - whether in the cloud or on-premise.

Manage the digital treasure trove with enterprise content management

Knowing where it's needed: Information is often available in huge quantities in companies. The challenge: Provide data and documents transparently to ensure they help optimize workflows, reduce costs, and increase work efficiency. To do this, companies need efficient digital information management. This is where our enterprise content management comes in. We will advise you on modern solutions, ensure data harmonization, integrate it into existing IT landscapes and adapt the solutions as required.   

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