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Automated data migration to new systems

How can the successful migration to modern applications be guaranteed? Vamosa transfers any content automatically and securely to new software

Data migration – the right way

Whether intranet, website, wiki, file archive or e-mail system, sooner or later legacy systems reach the end of the road, are replaced or consolidated after a merger. The following question then arises: what should you do with this treasure trove of data accumulated over many years? Simply deleting stored knowledge is not an option. T-Systems automates your data migration: Vamosa separates the wheat from the chaff and the important data sets can be adapted and migrated to the new applications.

Content transfer from old to new systems 

Graphic - content transfer from old to new systems

For reasons of practicality, companies often decide, when migrating data, that it is better to transfer all stored content to the new applications without checking it. However, the migration to new applications offers the chance to get rid of vast amounts of superfluous data. With our migration services based on the Vamosa tool, we check and optimize your data and migrate it automatically from any source system and format to the desired target system – whether in the cloud or on-premises. This data migration and deletion of superfluous content saves you unnecessary costs and allows you to start your new applications with only the relevant content.

Help your cloud strategy to succeed

Close-up of a man working on a tablet

Most companies have a cloud strategy and rely primarily on the public cloud. The required cloud licenses, such as for Office 365, are often already available. However, many of the legacy systems are still running, which means the potential of the cloud cannot be exploited to the full. We help you to migrate your content to the applications of the new world. This is how you optimize your processes. And you can start reducing your costs very quickly, as you can deactivate the old on-premise systems.

Delve deeper into content migration – with our discussion papers.

We were really impressed by the OTN-SDN-Vamosa migration project. Everything went well and we are very satisfied with the technology, knowledge, and work of the Vamosa team. Thank you!

Christen Bolter, Oracle

Advantages of content migration with Vamosa

Close-up of files in hanging fileholder
  • Migrates content from multiple source applications to the desired target applications
  • Migratable content: Files, HTML content, structures, links, formatting, meta data, assets.
  • Customer-specific rules for automated, repeatable migration (big bang or iterative).
  • No content freeze, seamless transition from the old to new system.
  • All access and security attributes are mapped in the target system.
  • Automatic logging of all processes, projects can be fully audited.
  • Any combination of on-premises and cloud platform is possible.

Migrate data with Vamosa in just 4 steps

Analyze content

Objectives: Understand the scope of the challenge and create customized rules for evaluating the content.

Optimize content

Objectives: Consolidate existing data, detect redundancies, create meaningful keywords, and rename data.

Migrate selected content

Objectives: Following the data analysis, create a comprehensive and reusable migration framework to automatically transfer data to target systems.

Create reports for the entire migration project

Objectives: Reports show where each content has been migrated to, and enable permanent traceability of the content throughout the entire process.

Optimize content and transfer it to new applications

Our Vamosa experts have salvaged data treasures for many companies of every industry and size and transferred them to modern applications. Let us convince you, so you can save time and money with your data migration. We’ll be happy to show you how it’s done!

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