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Cloud Application Services: Workloads in the cloud

Supporting companies during implementation, operation, and further development of their application landscapes

Optimize processes, flexibly manage applications

What happens to applications in the cloud migration? Not every application from the legacy system can be migrated into the cloud. And not every available cloud application covers all functionalities required in the company. But IT modernization, digitalization, and migration always offer the opportunity to test out applications and to use new ones from the cloud or to switch them to cloud-native apps.

White paper: Collaboration services from the cloud

Where are the traps in using public cloud services? Check out three ways to master the challenges with examples.

Standardized, automated, and modular migration

We accompany our clients through the entire application life cycle: from evaluation, to see whether applications are suitable for the cloud, through to application management in the cloud. The basis for all application-related decisions is the analysis of the business processes. It is for older applications in particular that there is often a chicken and egg situation. The challenge: Over many years, companies have adapted their resources, technologies, and applications in their own IT to the processes even though these processes are outdated. We turn the tables with cloud-native applications: Companies use this to adapt their processes to the systems – because they are more efficient.

Discover our expertise in cloud

Find out more about how we support our customers with the implementation, operation, and further development of their applications

Your partner for cloud projects

A cloud solution as individual as your business model: let our experts help you find the right approach. Together we will find the right services to suit your requirements. As an independent cloud service provider, we are by your side.

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