Man with tablet in front of a conveyor belt with robot arm

The future of production

The intelligent factory connect manufacturing processes and logistics

Setting the stage for digital manufacturing

Some 200 billion euros – this is what strategy consultants at McKinsey in Germany estimate the increase in growth will be by 2025, if companies implement the smart factory concept. This aspect alone makes one thing clear: only those who network their factories intelligently with a greater focus on digitalization will be able to further optimize their value chains. The supply chains and production networks are so complex that companies can no longer implement them on their own. As a rule, the manufacturing companies follow the path to transformation on a step-by-step basis. T-Systems is at your service with digital solutions and expertise.

A clear strategy for secure transformation

Businessman shows businesswoman something on a tablet screen in a production hall

Quicker and more flexible reactions to increasingly individual customer requirements, reductions to outage times, high capacity, process optimization and cost savings – all this and more is possible with a transformation towards digital manufacturing. But to develop intelligent factories, companies need a clear strategy. All information must be available at all times, right from the planning stage – and this is where we help our customers.

Digital manufacturing – more than just automated production

Production manager in production hall looks at a tablet

Only when a process chain is continuously optimized can the smart factory fully utilize its intelligence. As such we are always thinking outside the box where production is concerned. 
The basis for all applications is a secure infrastructure, which we can provide with 5G-campus-networks and edge computing. In this way, quick and secure connections are guaranteed in real time.

Augmented & virtual reality enable proactive production with solutions for maintenance, tracking & tracing of all materials in stock, up to anomaly recognition and optimization of the entire product life cycle, as well as data management from the cloud and real time analysis of large data volumes.

Networking in the digital factory

Improve production and logistics quality, achieve more transparency and greater flexibility, or reduce production costs – with intelligent data management. (Video in German language)

Professional system integration

Thanks to the integration capabilities of T-Systems you can continue to use your existing networks and IT landscapes, adopt already digitalized processes, gradually develop new functions, and implement optimized processes. State-of-the-art MES systems build the foundation for a quick introduction and professional rollout.

The future of production

Working industrial robot in a digitized factory

As if by magic,  driverless transport vehicles move through the factory hall, resupplying production employees with the necessary components. Everything becomes quicker and more efficient. Or to use another phrase: more intelligent. As such, automotive companies and suppliers, such as Magna Steyr in Graz, are completely set on transforming their operations into smart factories with the help of T-Systems. This way they can operate more flexibly, have greater control over capacity, and more effectively deal with time pressure.

We support you

T-Systems accompanies companies on their step-by-step journey to creating digital factories:

In many companies the desire for digitalization is there. Often numerous ideas abound – but the way to proceed is not always clear. T-Systems helps you to focus on exactly the things that will really help your business. This includes detailed consultation with our experts on all aspects of digitalization. A workshop in which we develop an appropriate solution together with you and likewise talk about the design of the business model is always helpful.

Then we are ready to move on to the practical stage: for the proof of concept, an actual use case is implemented so that the potential solution for your company can be correctly evaluated. Following on from this is the rollout with the most suitable end-to-end solution as well as the operation and services for the desired applications.

What's most important: our support does not end here. We continue to optimize your ongoing processes, drive your transformation forward, and provide additional service measures for your business. 

We look forward to your project!

Do you have any questions concerning the planning, implementation or maintenance of your digitalization project? Contact us and one of our experts will be in touch with you to answers all your questions.

Are you interested in real solutions in the area of digital manufacturing? Find out more here:

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