 Robot hand on blue background

Hyperautomation, for business driven automation

Transform and accelerate complex business and IT processes while achieving enterprise digitalization goals

It's more than just an automation, it's a collaboration of technologies

Hyperautomation brings together several components of process automation, integrating tools and platforms that can amplify the ability to automate work, save costs, speed up the process of digitalization, and can be scaled up to drive end-customer experience. It includes RPA (robotic process automation) at its core followed by layers of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, process mining, analytics, and other advanced tools.

A catalyst to your enterprise digital transformation

Engineer with laptop shows man in suit something in a manufacturing plant

Native automation and modernization are often slow and costly. Many enterprises have automation platforms partly in place but rarely cover comprehensive scope or end-to-end processes or services. There is a lot of bottom-up, selective automation that is de-central, thus rather intransparent, not scalable, and leads to serious follow-up risks and efforts. At T-Systems, our strong association of robust partners, innovative platforms and architectural frameworks, and hands-on experience in implementation with proven records makes us an ideal technology partner for your digital transformation goals.

T-Systems' one-stop hyperautomation end-to-end portfolio

We focus on delivering intelligence and value into every digital process that includes:

  • Automation consulting: Consulting service that prepares strategic automation decisions and the initiation of automation projects
  • Solution design: Offers robust automation solution designs using multiple technologies beyond RPA like Process discovery, workflow integration, ML/AI, etc.
  • Implementation: Implementation at a scale beyond isolated use cases
  • Operations as a Service: An operational approach that applies DevOps practice for making lifecycle repeatable, scalable, and reliable, enabling faster adaptability to market changes

Why T-Systems as automation partner?

  • Huge experience with automation through lots of projects for internal and external customers
  • RPA is our DNA: Automation is one of the top objectives for T-Systems and Deutsche Telekom
  • Comprehensive portfolio and market overview
  • We support the complete automation value chain according to customer’s choice
  • Vendor independent
  • Process analysis for the optimum scope of automation projects (cost-efficient, result-oriented)
  • Security and compliance inclusive

Automate your path to digitalization, we offer


Design thinking, automated and matured


Automation, re-usable assets, lower costs


High capability, skilled teams


New tools and platforms

Get started with hyperautomation

From automation consulting to design and operational support, our experts have proven experience, road map stategies to drive amazing results for your enterprise. Get in touch!

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