Welding robot in motion in the manufacturing industry

Smarter manufacturing for smart products

Innovative and intelligent solutions to revolutionize industrial processes

Rethink manufacturing

The manufacturing sector is undergoing digital transformation driven by intensifying global competition, evolving consumer habits, supply chain disruptions and new sustainability regulations. Manufacturers are embracing AI and Industry 4.0 to stay competitive. T-Systems’ solutions enables manufacturing companies improve production performance across the entire value chain.

White paper: Data and AI optimization

Uncover hidden insights in real-time. Explore the transformative power of data and AI technology for manufacturing.


Data and AI based Optimization Approach

Master complex production systems and take control of processes to unlock hidden efficiency.

Enterprise Content Management

T-Systems' experts digitalize companies’ information management.

AI Solution Factory

Reduce failure rates and introduce intelligent automation to business processes.

Smart Factory

Digital, networked, and intelligent: How digital manufacturing works.

Remote Monitoring of Machines

How to remotely keep your machines running.


Success stories

We are here to assist you

Rethink manufacturing. Leverage the full potential of digitalization with us.

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