Businesswoman taking the subway to her office reads smartphone

Smarter security: strong cyber security through AI

Create optimal working conditions for your company with Secured Agility – supported by state-of-the-art AI technologies

Remote and hybrid work challenge your security concept

Your employees will only deliver the best results if you ensure efficient working conditions that adapt in an agile way to the individual needs of each person. Hybrid working powered by cloud computing and cloud services is made for this, but it also poses new cloud security risks. All of a sudden, your team is accessing sensitive data from their own smartphone or answering private emails from the company laptop – which is a compliance problem This opens the door to cyber attacks, and your IT infrastructure could be exposed to a risk or a threat creating a vulnerability.

Anytime, anywhere – Secured Agility makes it possible

We offer you tried-and-tested AI-based methods with which you too can master the balancing act between agility and security and turn remote work in your company from a problem child into a productivity driver. This ensures that it makes no difference which end device people use to access business-critical data. We provide visibility, threat detection and a security foundation for your organization, so that your employees can use modern cloud applications with security policies and access controls to further improve your security posture to minimize risks like data breaches or data loss. Machine learning and AI thus enable more efficient processes, reduce overhead in daily business, automate responses, and give your team the capacity to focus on critical tasks.

Become agile without sacrificing your security

Learn more about the specific risks of the cloud and our specific cloud security solutions. This will give you a comprehensive overview of how an effective cloud security strategy can be built for your organization.


Constant change requires agile adaptability

Constant change is not an invention of our time. What is new, however, is the dynamic with which it is progressing. And this presents your company with enormous challenges. Because economic trends, labor market demands, and customer requirements – to name just a few examples – are changing more rapidly than ever before. This in turn requires you to constantly adapt corporate strategies, processes, and technological and legal frameworks.

Your IT security must anticipate and enable every change instead of restricting your ability to react, adapt, and innovate. For this requirement, your organization needs highly agile security concepts supported by artificial intelligence. 

Secured Agility – turning your IT into an enabler with AI

To give your IT security architecture the highest possible flexibility while providing the greatest possible protection against malware and cyber attacks, T-Systems draws on extensive industry expertise and perfectly adapted technological solutions like AI. Your benefits: You get closely integrated solutions from a single source, from a team of experts who know your industry and business areas particularly well. This means that your security requirements can be flexibly adapted on a permanent basis – from threat detection and endpoint protection to a comprehensive cloud security concept. So you will always stay one step ahead of future changes.

Agility meets security

Combine contemporary agility with the necessary highest IT security standards in your company. Our team of experts will be happy to advise you on our comprehensive, state-of-the-art security concepts. 

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