floating white cubes

Cloud Migration Services: secure access to the cloud

The Cloud Migration Framework offers secure migration of complex infrastructures and applications into multi-clouds

Master and minimize the risks posed by cloud migration

There are no end to the reports of aborted or budget-breaking cloud migrations. Nevertheless, companies should not be deterred by this. According to the IDG research study “Cloud Migration 2021”, 85 percent of businesses surveyed reported that they were satisfied with their cloud migration projects at the time of the study. The key to success here is starting out with a cloud migration strategy. T-Systems uses a Cloud Migration Framework based on best practices.

Standardized, automated and modular migration

Our proven Cloud Migration Framework (CMF) guarantees the punctual and reliable migration of resources hosted on premises. Prior to the migration we develop a strategy together with our customers as part of a Cloud Readiness Assessment. Alongside an evaluation of cloud-readiness, this entails detailed analysis of individual business challenges and goals. This process results in a proposed solution that describes the target systems within a multi-cloud environment. This way, we can create an effective, tailor-made cloud migration strategy that fully leverages the potential of various cloud providers.

One cloud for all scenarios

White paper: The full potential of the cloud

Ensure your migration is a success and get the most out of the cloud. We’ll show you how it’s done.

Your partner for cloud projects

A cloud solution as individual as your business model: rely on our experts to help you find the right approach. Together, we will find the services that match your requirements. As an independent cloud service provider, we are on your side.

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