

T-Systems International GmbH

Hahnstraße 43d
D-60528 Frankfurt am Main
E-mail: info@t-systems.com
Phone: +49 (0) 69 20060 - 0

Trade Register:
District Court Frankfurt am Main, HRB 55933, Registered Office: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tax ID No. DE 118 645 675
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE50335567

Supervisory Authority:
Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways
Tulpenfeld 4, D-53113 Bonn

Supervisory Board:
Claudia Nemat (Chairwoman)

Authorized to represent:
Dr. Feri Abolhassan Pur-Moghaddam (Chairman), Christoph Ahrendt, Zsuzsanna Friedl, Urs M. Krämer

T-Systems International GmbH
Uwe Klose
Hahnstraße 43d
D-60528 Frankfurt am Main

For local enquiries please contact:

T-Systems Limited

T-Systems Limited
1st Floor, 1 Portland Place
London, England

Email: fmb.uk-enquiries@t-systems.com
Phone: + 44 (0) 1908 651500

Company number: 01668706

VAT: GB763734019

Board of Directors

Klaus Koefoed – Director
Julian Hartung – Director
Thomas Deeg – Director
Jeevan DSilva – Company Secretary

Code of Conduct
Please find our Code of Conduct here.

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