Magentafarbener Hintergrund

White paper: Automation to resolve staff shortages in the public sector

Automating processes provides employee relief and helps in efficiently reducing workloads

Intelligent automation for public authorities

The importance of digitalization for processes within the public sector is undisputed. However, digitalization must not just mean that citizens and companies use online services. Digitalization also involves end-to-end automation of repetitive, time-consuming processes. What are the causes of processing backlogs and how does the automation of these processes solve the challenges caused by the increasing workload of public authorities?

The white paper provides insights into:

  • High employee workload, high processing backlog in public administration
  • Employee relief and process optimization through automation
  • Application examples for automation in the public sector
  • Realization of automation projects
  • Partnership for automation in the public sector: T-Systems and UiPath


Title page and three subsequent pages of the white paper as a screenshot

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