Transparent Cube with a Cloud inside
17 August 2023 | Cloud Services

ISG recognises services in Google Cloud landscape

T-Systems receives “Leader” and “Rising Star” status within Google partner ecosystem by leading analyst.

Illustration of a quantum computer with IQM and T-Systems logo
24 July 2023 | Quantum Computing

T-Systems will be provided access to IQM quantum systems

T-Systems enterprise customers will have access to IQM quantum systems through the cloud.

A healthcare professional using cloud solutions in their daily work
11 July 2023 | Healthcare

Is digital transformation the answer to healthcare’s inflation crisis?

With inflation affecting consumers’ affordability, healthcare providers are turning to hybrid digital solutions to provide patient-centric care.

A woman monitoring an advanced manufacturing floor
29 June 2023 | Manufacturing Industries

A crucial competitive game-changer for Asian SMEs: Digitalisation

Digitalisation offers small and medium enterprises (SMEs) the ability to punch well above their weight to better compete in today’s globalised world.

Futuristic car drives through a well-lit tunnel
07 June 2023 | Cloud Services

AWS and T-Systems to develop dataspace test environment

First sandbox development environment for the automotive industry based on Eclipse and Gaia-X in the US.

Man with laptop in a city at night and cloud symbol
05 June 2023 | Cloud Services

MSP status confirmed for T-Systems for AWS for 2023

T-Systems announces the extension of its status as an Amazon Web Services Managed Service Provider (MSP) Partner.

Jussi Wacklin shows off the trophy for CMO of the Year
22 May 2023 | Strategy and Consulting

T-Systems’ Chief Marketing Officer honoured

Jussi Wacklin, Chief Marketing Officer of T-Systems, received the Global B2B CMO 100 Award 2023.

Two women looking at tablet
15 May 2023 | Application Services

ServiceNow recognises T-Systems as their Partner of the Year

ServiceNow dedicates its growth trajectory to T-Systems’ diligent business methods.

Employee analysing data to help identify innovative opportunities and streamline workflows
11 May 2023 | Cloud Services

Digital transformation for insurers – your roadmap begins with the cloud

Insurers utilising the cloud will have the ability to better unleash productivity, unlock innovation and streamline costs.

A woman looks at her personal travel schedule on her smartphone
03 May 2023 | Public Transport

T-Systems acquires software company GeoMobile

GeoMobile bundles transport services onto an IT platform for barrier-free mobility.

Modern bridge in the sunset
28 April 2023 | Strategy and Consulting

T-Systems named a top 15 Sourcing Standout by ISG

The ISG Index™ provides an independent quarterly review of the latest sourcing industry data and trends.

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