A car drives through a brightly lit digital city

Hypercube – fast track to the software-defined car

Take advantage of accelerated software innovation, reliable operations, and deep insights into vehicle and driver data

Time-to-market and cost efficiency for your software-defined car journey

Counteract limited developing capacity for software development and exploding costs for service and platform operations. Hypercube enables automotive manufacturers and fleet operators to take advantage of automation and standardisation for non-differentiating software components to achieve an accelerated time to market for new features. Hypercube is specifically “designed for run” to ensure efficient operations along the complete software lifecycle.

Infographic about Hypercube

Hypercube – your backbone for the lifecycle management of mobility services

One man working on a laptop in a driverless car

Our long-term experience in large and international connected car projects shows a similar challenge to that of most of our clients: valuable development time is spent on software components that are reusable across vehicle generations, brands, or even OEMs. A smarter approach is “Build, buy, and compose”. Free up your capacity to develop differentiating connected car services and deploy standardised software modules for all recurring tasks whenever possible. This solution also decreases the time to market for new services and improves feature and product quality. Its name: Hypercube!

To match your IT strategy – selected software modules or an end-to-end solution

Hypercube screens

The production-ready software components of Hypercube build the backbone for cross-domain automotive software lifecycle management. All cubes are designed in a modular and configurable approach. Depending on your strategy, you can choose selected cubes as enablers and accelerators to integrate them into your own connected car platform. Or you can go for an end-to-end product approach as a licence or managed service model. Either way: our T-Systems experts are happy to support you with in-depth consulting, customisation, and implementation expertise.

Designed for run – ready to scale

A man at the computer during vehicle development

No question: functions, features, and processes are important and are currently the key focus of software-defined vehicle initiatives. But ultimately, it is reliable and thus cost-efficient operations – 24x7, 365 days a year – to produce tens of millions of cars that makes the difference. This is where we set ourselves apart: with over 10 years of experience and more than 30 million vehicles worldwide under management, T-Systems is THE European leader for connected car services operations. Hypercube is built on this expertise and “designed for run”, so you can scale fast and operate your fleets at a reasonable cost.

Solution suite for connected car software developers, campaign managers, and service managers

futuristic vehicle and graphic interface

Device and campaign management

Tool for software and configuration management, inventory management, fleet management, and user and access management.

Employee looks at digital graphics, behind it is a virtual car

Digital twin

Individual virtual representation of a vehicle and its behaviour to facilitate data-driven services.

Businessmen working in the office overlaid with lines of computer code

Vehicle operations centre

One-stop shop for fleet analysis and end-to-end lifecycle management of connected vehicles.

3D flow chart

Task management

Low-code solution to create, adapt, and implement process workflows.

Cloud computing

Packaging service

Automated, quality-assured, and secured assembly of vehicle software packages.

engineer with digital tablet working

Developer console

Active management of the complete software lifecycle (development, testing, and release).

Let’s talk about your project!

We would be happy to provide you with the right experts and to answer your questions about Hypercube, our solution for cross-domain automotive lifecycle management. Get in touch!

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