Topographical blue lines against a black background

Marcel Hoch

Teamlead Cyber Security Offense/Defense

About the author


Beschriftung: At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.

Marcel Hoch has been working in the IT industry for over 16 years. And he has been gaining extensive experience and know-how in the field of cybersecurity for more than ten years now. After training as an IT specialist and completing four years in IT support at an IT service provider in northern Germany, he joined operational services (OS) in 2015. The joint venture between Fraport AG and T-Systems International supports medium-sized companies in their digitalization with tailor-made IT services, IT solutions and consulting.

As a system analyst, consultant and project manager at OS, Marcel Hoch was responsible for penetration tests, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and important security issues in many customer projects. Since fall 2022, he has been responsible for Cyber Security Offense/Defense as team leader at OS in Hanover.

All articles by Marcel Hoch

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