Topographical blue lines against a black background

Nouran Elsherbiny

Chief Tomorrow Officer

About the author


Nouran Elsherbiny, Chief Tomorrow Officer

Nouran Elsherbiny studied „Master of Information Systems“ in the University of Muenster with a focus on Information systems and Marketing. After finishing her master’s degree, she was looking for a new challenge to use her technical and business knowledge. Having a wide experience with introducing new business opportunities and work on new innovative projects for companies. In addition to her knowledge of several Customer relationship management software for enhancing business operations. She also had some analytical experience working on performance management by conducting extensive data analysis.

She likes to introduce herself as a tech geek who is always looking for solutions to make the workplace worry-free and to have an unruffled work environment. She also dreams of a workplace that is driven by innovation and openness with flat hierarchy, employee empowering and recognition. She is also concerned with the future of the workplace in terms of engaging younger generations to shape the future.

Being the Chief Tomorrow Officer  for Deutsche Telekom and T-Systems she is able to think about the future of the workplace and to ask questions for tomorrow. She also tries to ask as diverse questions ranging from Digitization to Sustainability to be able to think and shape the future of the workplace with the younger generation who will be the leaders of tomorrow.

All articles by Nouran Elsherbiny

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