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E-book: Unlock cloud agility with container management

Find your way to manage your containers with Kubernetes

Containers as a door opener to speed and business flexibility

The cloud is a basic component of future-proof IT landscapes. But only containers unleash the full potential of the cloud. With enterprises using containers on a large scale, efficient container management becomes a key success factor. Discover in our e-book the different ways to use Kubernetes (K8s), the advantages of using K8s from the cloud, and the security topics you need to keep in mind during K8s implementations. 

Find answers to:

  • What role do containers play in a modern enterprise IT landscape?
  • Which advantages do containers create?
  • Why do you need a sophisticated container management approach?
  • Which options do you have to set up an efficient container management?
  • What security topics do you need to keep in mind?


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