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White paper: Smart private cloud – the missing link

How to build a solid, digital-first enterprise platform

IDC survey results and insights: The future of digital infrastructure

European organizations are moving away from “cloud-first” and “cloud-only” strategies to a ‘workload-led’ approach. A common path is running critical workloads on a private or hybrid cloud while expanding the use of the public cloud. However, legacy applications continue to hold enterprises back as migration involves two key challenges: modernizing infrastructure and a lack of cloud skills. This paper by the International Data Corporation (IDC) provides the answers.

Private cloud – the bridge between legacy IT and public cloud

Learn how Future Cloud infrastructure (FCI) reduces the complexity and operational effort of enterprise IT by merging systems onto one secure platform. Also, learn how it

  • Supports cloud migration of legacy workloads with optional modernization
  • Bridges traditional on-premise resources with cloud platforms
  • Reduces the costs and demands of running hybrid IT environments
  • Ensures IT operations comply with regulatory frameworks 


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