Chain formed by binaries and network

Higher Performance with Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain: From buzzword to company practice

Making transactions visible

When developing a blockchain solution, there are many different challenges that need to be overcome at once. It is often difficult for customers as it's not their main expertise. Andreas Dittrich shows how T-Systems provides support with this.

How does a blockchain work?

Man is sitting in the office at the desk and reading something focused on the laptop.

Blockchain is a register with decentralized distribution in which all of a network's transactions are saved. Here, several transactions are collated in one block and the blocks are linked together chronologically. What is crucial is that the correctness of a piece of information no longer needs to be verified by a central authority, but is confirmed using a transparent mechanism of consensus between the participants. Blockchain technology thus supports cooperation across the organization along the entire value chain.

The benefits that blockchain technology brings to you


  • Automating document processing in the blockchain via smart contracts
  • Saving important documents directly in the blockchain using time stamps
  • Avoiding human error and error-prone manual processes
  • Time and cost savings
  • Increasing efficiency with automated processing

Digital trust

  • Immutability of information
  • Tamper-proof timestamps and digital signature/clear identification promote digital trust
  • Central authority no longer required ("Single source of failure")
  • Increases data integrity


  • Tracing supply chains incl. transport parameters (temperature etc.)
  • Transparency for tracing the supply chain – recall campaigns/damage limitation can be implemented much more efficiently, quickly and securely
  • Participants can see changes

Blockchain technology can be used in all areas where large-scale and comprehensive exchange of data takes place to maintain data integrity.

Kausik Munsi, Head of the Department for Software Development at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in Nuremberg

Find out from our customers how we optimize processes using blockchain technology

Our blockchain portfolio to meet your requirements

Infographic: Our blockchain for your needs

All-round offer in the Blockchain Solutions Center

From the idea to the business case review, and from technical proof of concept to online bookable service – we offer a holistic service portfolio.

We look forward to your project!

We would be happy to provide you with the right experts and to answer your questions about the planning and implementation of blockchain technology in your company.

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