Magenta chip with padlock, SAP, more security for public administration

More security for public administration

Cloud-based SAP platform receives BSI certification in accordance with ISO27001 based on IT baseline protection


Telekom/T-Systems SAP® platform BSI-certified

Maximum security for the public sector: The SAP® platform has received ISO 27001 certification based on IT baseline protection. The certification by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) confirms that the platform meets the highest security standards and effectively protects business-relevant information and sensitive data.

Specifically for the security requirements of the public sector

Whether it is personal data of citizens, IT systems of security authorities or sensitive data of financial administrations – the demands on data security in the public sector are rightly very high. The platform uses the Future Cloud Infrastructure (FCI) in the twin data centers in Magdeburg and nearby Biere. Data is therefore stored exclusively in Germany.

Efficiency and scalability

The Telekom/T-Systems SAP platform is characterized by its flexibility and scalability. Public administrations can adjust the number of​​​​​​​ SAP systems and the scope of services as required. This means that IT infrastructures can keep pace with the respective requirements and resources can be used efficiently.

Strict certification standards

The extensive certification process took almost two years. T-Systems had to provide the BSI with transparent information on around 3,000 questions from 42 modules. In addition, the certification will be reviewed annually in future.

IDC Report: SAP on private platform

This IDC report emphasizes why German public sector should modernize their legacy SAP systems.

Partnership and experience

T-Systems is the largest German SAP service provider and a long-standing partner of SAP, offering comprehensive IT solutions for the public sector. With over 20 years of experience in SAP operations, T-Systems supports the public sector in ensuring IT security and optimizing operations.

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