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How can AI improve public transport?

Europe’s rail system is complex, but also vital to sustainable travel and freight management. How can AI help?

Artificial Intelligence: start on the right track today

The potential of AI for rail operators is immense. It can revolutionise almost every facet, from improving the passenger experience and streamlining freight operations to aiding routine maintenance and repairs, all whilst promoting greater sustainability. And this is more than mere hype. PwC reported that AI could contribute $15.7 trillion to the transportation sector by 2030. But what must rail operators consider, and where should they start?

Take a whistle-stop tour of AI with expert insights and use cases, including:

  • Eight specific areas where AI can have a significant impact
  • Case study: Passenger and object detection and recognition
  • Case study: Travel information forecasting
  • Proven industry solutions and next steps   


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