Topographical blue lines against a black background

Shilpa Vyas

Marketing Lead

About the author

Shilpa Vyas, Content Manager

The world is going through a wave of digitalization. As the digital and cloud content marketer at T-Systems, Shilpa’s core focus is on creating unique positioning for the brand as a digital and cloud enabler through an engaging content strategy. She works closely work with product managers, solutions experts, campaign managers, and digital managers to deliver ROI driven marketing results. Focus points she works with include business model innovation, CX transformation, data driven use cases, AWS themed cloud topics, and cloud transformation.

Shilpa comes with decade-long experience in B2B marketing. She has written extensively on different technologies and loves marketing due to the creativity it offers. At T-Systems she is shaping up to be a full-stack marketer who tells a great brand story.

All articles by Shilpa Vyas

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