T-Systems and NTT Communications are jointly providing a dataspace test environment in Japan. This initiative aims to accelerate the development of new data ecosystems in Japan and connect data spaces in Europe and Japan. The partners use open source software from the Eclipse Foundation projects Tractus-X and Eclipse Dataspace Components. The partners will present their initiative on October 9 at the Data Spaces Discovery Day in Tokyo.
T-Systems is providing its LivingLab for the test environment. The two partners are adapting this Dataspace-as-a-Service development environment for Japanese users, with T-Systems operating the test environment on a cloud infrastructure in Germany. Users and engineers in Japan access it via a cloud infrastructure from NTT Communications. Starting in the fourth quarter of 2024, T-Systems will provide Japanese organizations, universities, and companies with an initial test environment via NTT Communications. These include the IDSA Japan Hub, the University of Tokyo, Keio University, Fujitsu and OMRON. These users can test interoperability with their test environments, connectors, and application services. This is intended to increase the number of developers and users of dataspaces in Japan.
NTT Communications and T-Systems plan to test the interaction of two regional dataspaces at the end of 2024. This involves services such as identity, onboarding, data transfer and service discovery. To do this, they connect one test environment operated in Germany with another in Japan. In addition, the partners will integrate Gaia-X Digital Clearing House Services for the mutual recognition of trust anchors between Europe and Japan. This collaboration is expected to significantly speed up the process of joining, onboarding, and leveraging data ecosystems such as Catena-X.
T-Systems and NTT Communications are involved in several data space communities in Europe such as Gaia-X, International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) and Catena-X. Deutsche Telekom is a founding member of Gaia-X. T-Systems was the first operator of a Gaia-X Digital Clearing House and is a key developer of the Tractus-X software. NTT Communications has driven the internationalization of trusted data spaces and developed an interoperability concept in cooperation with Japanese and European initiatives.