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Digital verified credentials for Catena-X

Gaia-X Digital Clearing House for the Catena-X Automotive Industry Network

November 18 2022

T-Systems checks self-descriptions of Catena-X data ecosystem participants

T-Systems will verify the credentials of participating company identities within the Catena-X data ecosystem. It is the largest example of a sovereign ecosystem run by car manufacturers as well as suppliers. Catena-X operates according to the guidelines of the European Gaia-X initiative for building a trustworthy data infrastructure. In order to guarantee this trusted framework in compliance with Gaia-X guidelines, Gaia-X envisions to establish a neutral clearing house, operated by verified partners. The Digital Clearing House of T-System will be one of the initial nodes in Europe to achieve Gaia-X compliance.

Service launches by the first quarter of 2023

Generic modern car with T-Systems and Catena X logo

After successful verification of a participating company’s details, such as its identity and tax number, the Telekom subsidiary issues a certificate. With this policy compliance proof the participating company gets their verified credential for the Catena-X data ecosystem. This service is called Gaia-X Digital Clearing House and will be available in the first quarter of 2023. 

“Telekom and T-Systems are the first choice in Europe for the trustworthy handling of data,” said Adel Al-Saleh, member of the Deutsche Telekom Board of Management and CEO of T-Systems. “That is why I am particularly pleased about this opportunity. We believe in digitization made in Germany.”

Gaia-X and Catena-X

The Catena-X data ecosystem is one of the lighthouse projects of the European Gaia-X initiative. It sees itself as a rapidly scalable ecosystem in which all stakeholders in the automotive value chain participate equally. The goal: to provide an environment for the establishment, operation and collaborative use of end-to-end data chains along the entire automotive value chain. The Catena-X Automotive Network will certify operating companies according to their operational model and standards and with the support of external assessment bodies.

Representatives from business, government and academia from around the world are working together for the European Gaia-X initiative to create a federated and secure data infrastructure. Companies and citizens will collect and exchange data in a way that ensures they always retain sovereignty over their data. Gaia-X's architecture is based on the principle of decentralization and follows the Gaia-X standard. It is the basis for a data infrastructure that is based on the European values of openness, transparency and trust. T-Systems provides one of first Gaia-X Digital Clearing House nodes in Europe. It will be open also to all Gaia-X adopters.

T-Systems and automotive

In September, the trade magazine “automotiveIT” named T-Systems the largest IT service provider in the automotive industry in Germany for the 13th time in a row. T-Systems focuses on four areas: Vehicle software and networking, digital customer experiences, the digitization of the company, and secure cloud computing. To this end, the Telekom subsidiary is creating around 600 jobs worldwide by 2023. Already, 4,000 experts are working on the digitization of the industry. T-Systems is recruiting around 200 new employees for the Wolfsburg site alone.

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