Truck on a mountain road in the sunset

Green light with 5G

The City of Hamburg is testing digital solutions for intelligent traffic management

Intelligent mobility for improved sustainability

Hamburg handles daily 40,000 truck journeys in the port area south of the Elbe river, focused on container transport, with additional trucks north of the Elbe serving city logistics, including cruise ship terminals. T-Systems, along with LBSW, HPA, Continental, Swarco, and tec4U, tested digital solutions using 5G to reduce truck traffic emissions as part of the “5G-LOGINNOV” project under Hamburg’s ITS initiative.

Customer pain points

  • Meeting climate targets and implementing the sustainability and digitalization strategy
  • Reduce emissions from hinterland truck traffic to and from the Port of Hamburg
  • Demonstrate how digitalization can make traffic safer, more efficient, more convenient, and more environmentally friendly

How T-Systems solved it

  • Utilization of the public 5G infrastructure
  • Example of use by T-Systems: digital solutions for platooning, Green Light Optimum Speed Advisory (GLOSA), Low Carbon Mobility Management (LCMM)
  • Data from 400,000 test trips in real Hamburg traffic
  • Analysis supported by machine learning/artificial intelligence
  • Quantified examination of environmental impacts in accordance with ISO 23795:2022

20 percent less fuel consumption – the data recorded by “5G-LOGINNOV” clearly show that the use of platoons, GLOSA, and V2I communication based on 5G is making Hamburg and its port more sustainable.

Ralf Willenbrock, Project Manager, T-Systems

Business impact

  • Digitalization creates intelligent mobility and helps to achieve climate targets
  • Optimized flow of heavy truck traffic: time spent in traffic jams reduced by 59 percent
  • Fuel consumption reduced by 20 percent, carbon footprint reduced by 17 percent
  • Logistics innovation – confirmed in sister projects in Slovenia and Greece
  • Contributes toward Hamburg’s sustainability targets

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About the City of Hamburg

Hamburg is northern Germany’s hub for business, tourism and culture. The City of Hamburg wants to become a showcase for the mobility of tomorrow. The city’s transport institutions want to demonstrate how digitalization can make traffic safer, more efficient, more convenient, and more environmentally friendly.


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