chain bridge in budapest

CloudHub in Budapest

A place to cooperate, learn, and connect to shape the future

What is CloudHub?

The CloudHub is a showroom in the Telekom Headquarters in Budapest, Hungary. It brings the current and future T-Systems cloud services portfolio closer to our customers. As a center of cloud innovation, it showcases cloud solutions and applications and brings use cases to life – but the CloudHub is not only a showroom. It is a place to collaborate, learn, network, and create the way of tomorrow. Get an idea of what we offer now with three exciting solutions: for road traffic, the agricultural industry, and virtual landscapes for a greener future.

Predictive and Adaptive Road Analyzer

PARA Display

Wanna get to know more about the roads you drive on? Luckily you only need your smartphone and the PARA – our Predictive and Adaptive Road Analyzer helps you monitor the status of the road infrastucture components by recording images, vibration, location and speed. You don’t even have to worry about storing and analyzing these data – they are being sent to the cloud so you can see the results via a dashboard online.

Geek Gardener

Geek Gardener

Are you having a hard time keeping your plants alive? The Geek Gardener is here to the rescue! 
This solution uses a simple IoT application to guide through Azure’s Arc enabled services deployed on a remote Kubernetes cluster. By using a microcontroller, it collects soil moisture data and sends the results every minute via WiFi – it can learn trends and patterns, and if you want it even notifies you when your plants need watering!

Sustainable Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) – based solutions


Get to know how our three OTC-based cloud solutions work and how they address the threats to our planet. See how they create photorealistic landscapes and take a closer look what we can offer to the health industry:

  • Face the apocalyptic future of our planet with FutureGan
  • Reshape pictures in less than a second with OTCGan
  • Online Covid Screening can detect various patterns by analyzing your chest X-Rays or CT scan images 

Learn with CloudHub!

Learn with us overview

We also showcase public cloud technologies and software for educational purposes. For example: 

  • CloudHub in Metaverse
  • Microsoft HoloLens2 and the VR Glasses
  • DonkeyCar, which is an open-source DIY self-driving platform
  • AWS DeepRacer – an autonomous vehicle that uses machine learning and the AWS Cloud

Interested in our other usecases?

Check out what CloudHub has to offer!

Book your appointment now!

Would you like to visit our CloudHub in Budapest? Do you have questions about our examples of digital practice? Or would you like to book our showroom for your next company meeting? Get in touch!

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