Automotive security for car from cyber attacks

Automotive security for connected cars

Security over the entire life cycle: how we provide vehicles with comprehensive protection against cyberattacks

End-to-end security solutions for the automotive industry

Today’s vehicles are fully networked. This makes it possible to offer convenient services, but also exposes new vulnerabilities. Therefore, OEMs must ensure automotive cyber security throughout the entire life cycle of the vehicles and comply with strict regulations, such as UNECE R155. T-Systems offers the security solutions and consulting services needed to protect vehicles from development to production – and throughout their entire service lives.

Networked traffic: our cyber-security and threat-analysis services

It’s about more than just airbags and ABS – today’s connected vehicles need safety solutions for the digital world. For example, the UNECE requires vehicle manufacturers to set up a cyber-security management system (CSMS) and provide evidence of this when type-approving vehicles. ISO 21434 is a technical standard that protects vehicles from cyberattacks right from the development stage. As a BSI-certified IT security service provider and consultant, T-Systems advises automotive manufacturers on the cyber-security and threat-analysis actions they need to take in order to identify and manage threats.

White paper: SASE Security for Automotive

In this guide, you will learn how SASE can help automotive companies by bringing together connectivity, performance, and security. Find out where you are on your SASE journey.

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Robustness put to the test: automotive penetration testing

We identify vulnerabilities in automotive systems from the perspective of a hacker. With our deep-rooted expertise in hardware, software, and infrastructure, we uncover vulnerabilities and security gaps throughout the automotive life cycle. And we provide your systems with comprehensive protection against known types of attack and against newer cyber-threats. In our company’s professionally equipped test laboratories, our security specialists test the robustness of hardware and software against specialized attack scenarios and assess risks – and, on this basis, identify effective security measures.

Detect attacks on vehicle fleets: our E2E security solution

In the era of connected cars, safeguarding against a myriad of attack vectors is crucial. Our state-of-the-art intrusion detection systems (IDS) are the first line of defense in automotive cybersecurity, vigilantly monitoring the vehicle’s infrastructure. These systems promptly relay any detected security events to the cloud, or attack on the in-car software. Our comprehensive Automotive Security Monitoring service can analyze security incidents across entire fleets and escalate any attacks to our Vehicle Security Operation Center (VSOC) where our security experts are available 24/7 to deal with attacks and alarms.

Requirements of regulations and standards, such as UNECE R155 and ISO 21434 

Instead of just reacting to attacks, we proactively enhance technology safety through our consulting services. We assist clients in implementing cyber security management systems (CSMS) and conducting thorough approval-relevant threat analysis and risk assessments (TARA). We identify potential risks and enable our clients to devise and implement effective protection plans to mitigate the risks. This reinforces the functional safety of modern vehicles. Thus, our experts help you to navigate the complexities of connected car security and safeguard your automotive technology.

We look forward to your project!

We would be happy to provide you with the right experts and to answer your questions about planning, implementation, and operation of security solutions for the connected vehicle. Get in touch!

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