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Using advisory services effectively

Detecon forms the advisory pillar of T-Systems. What advantages does it offer to customers?

February 14 2022

Cooperation successfully optimized

As a management and technology consultant, Detecon forms the advisory pillar of the new T-Systems strategy. Dr. Jürgen Padberg (Detecon) and Dr. Christian Hort (T-Systems) explain the advantages for customers and how collaboration can be organized.

Advisory services complement T-Systems' core business. Where is the added value for customers?

Integration of Detecon's consulting competencies

Christian Hort: With the integration of the advisory expertise of Detecon into T-Systems' overall portfolio, the customer receives advice on the design, development, and integration of technological solutions through to operation, all from a single source. In this context, Detecon acts as the spearhead, driving forward digitalization concepts in specialized areas, for example.

Jürgen Padberg: Alongside preliminary discussions to define the digitalization strategy, there are a number of consulting tasks that take place during digital transformation projects. Business management issues, integration into the strategy, process optimization, and the optimization of the organization, such as for agile setup and working methods, are typical topics that we at Detecon bring to the discussion.

What role does the integration of advisory services play for the development of offerings across T-Systems' verticals, such as Automotive?

Jürgen Padberg: Detecon helps to structure strategic account planning and industry-specific business development, while staying focused on the customer. We give advice on topics such as the promising future trends and challenges of the market and carry out CxO meetings together.

Christian Hort:  When structuring the portfolio we distinguish between customer insights and market insights. Tackling the customer problem early on leads to insights, which we can incorporate into our portfolio as customer input. In the case of new portfolio elements, the advisory perspective is particularly helpful for winning over customers and generating feedback.

Agile, iterative development models closely dovetail the ideas conceived by the business side with their implementation by IT. It helps to have a provider who can realize this dovetailed process.

Christian Hort, SVP Automotive at T-Systems

That sounds versatile. Do you have any success stories from your collaboration?

Christian Hort: Agile, iterative development models closely dovetail the ideas conceived by the business side with their implementation by IT. It helps to have a provider who can realize this dovetailed process. One customer example: Detecon supports the development of backend infrastructure, built and operated by T-Systems, in the Connected Car segment with the introduction of agile transformation methodology.

Jürgen Padberg: For another customer, we provide assistance in the area of Connected Car Services with advisory services and process design, while working closely with T-Systems colleagues, who are actively involved in the technological implementation. Another example is the monitoring of energy efficiency in production: here Detecon provides specialized support in the design of a plant-wide dashboard and with data advisory services, for example to help identify anomalies using algorithms. In turn, T-Systems realizes these concepts on a cloud platform and benefits from transparent planning, which continuously incorporates all stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

How do we prepare for a digital future?

This is exactly where T-Systems supports as a thought leader with inspiration on innovative topics. Learn how we can shape the next steps into our digital future together.

Where is there further potential for collaboration between Detecon and T-Systems?

Jürgen Padberg: Anywhere where the customer doesn't just need technical implementation, but also wants to consider organizational, procedural, and strategic issues in order to comprehensively leverage the potential of digital technology.

When a business wants to begin using a platform like Salesforce, for example, we can shine a light on their entire customer relationship management infrastructure, define new digital customer journeys, foster a customer-focused mindset, and redesign processes in light of the opportunities presented by the digital age.

Christian Hort: In addition, advisory services from Detecon can also be used to aid infrastructure services, operations, cloudification, or 5G campus networks, in a way that complements T-Systems' core business, in order to offer the customer more benefits than simply pure technological modernization.

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