A hand holding a cell phone with a car sharing symbol, with a car in the background
June 25 2021 | Automotive

Future Engineering: Car Development with a Future

Car manufacturers need to put their product development to the test today so that they are still successful tomorrow.

Inside of a Car looking from the backseat fowards the front, lots of numbers in the foreground
April 21 2021 | Automotive

Quicker in development – the Remote Testlab

How vehicle manufacturers are optimizing development and test processes for embedded software with digital solutions.

October 01 2020 | Automotive

Connected car platform of the future

How car manufacturers can integrate the app world of their customers into their vehicles.

Visual graphic of a car consisting of interconnected dots and lines.
August 26 2020 | Automotive

What cars can learn from smartphones

In the future, motorists will also want to be “always on” and use their digital services in their cars.

Bright, curvy tunnel with light spot at the end
July 24 2020 | Automotive

The 4 components of future engineering

Development departments in the automotive ecosystem require fundamentally new approaches to mastering complexity.

Curve of a multi-lane road at night, the lights of the cars form luminous lines, the cars are not recognizable
July 08 2020 | Automotive

Edge computing on car test tracks

During prototype tests, huge amounts of data are generated daily, which engineers need access to as quickly as possible.

Hologram of futuristic car in workshop.
June 03 2020 | Automotive

The Car of the Future

Six trends that significantly influence the development of cars

Graphic representation of a car that draws blue lines behind it.
May 11 2020 | Automotive

200,000 key figures in real time

Thanks to T-Systems, SEAT is able to keep track of all goods – on the road and in the warehouse.

Illustration of a lightbulb made of white lines and a yellow ball of paper.
April 15 2020 | Automotive

Necessity is the mother of invention

Remarkable cooperation and creativity help to get through the crisis.

A man with working trousers, gloves and a silver pipe pulled over his head, dances quasi blind in a workshop.
January 31 2020 | Automotive

The smooth factory

Remember the acoustic coupler? It's a device from the "When the internet learned to walk" section.

Roundabout from above, in which many cars drive that are connected via digital networks
October 02 2019 | Automotive

Autonomously Autonomous? Nothing can Happen in Isolation

Sometimes, just after getting up in the morning, I catch myself thinking that a self-propelled car is taking me to the office.

View from an autonomously driving car on nocturnal road traffic.
September 09 2019 | Automotive

Autonomous Eyes

Autonomous cars need onboard intelligence to process the data captured by the sensors.

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