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Best in class provider for Mainframe Services

Leader position for T-Systems in Mainframe as a Service

Leader in Mainframe as a Service (MFaaS)

ISG analyzed 45 providers, that offer Mainframe Services and solutions for European customers. T-Systems appears as a leader in Mainframe as a Service that helps customers to reduce TCO. It deals with skill shortages while leveraging the advantages of the mainframe architecture and achieving the flexibility of cloud-based environments. Three additional strong product challenger positions underline the capabilities for mainframe modernization.

Experienced MFaaS provider

LEADER Badge Mainframes as a Service (MFaaS)

“T-Systems is an experienced and capable MFaaS provider focusing strongly on the European market”, ISG analyst Oliver Nickels resumes. As a strong European provider, T-Systems not only offers outstanding MFaaS to customers of various industries, but also maintains strong partnerships with the leading hyperscalers to provide modernization and migration services.

Strong European player

T-Systems is a capable provider of Mainframe Services in Europe, primarily serving clients in the banking and insurance, manufacturing, and logistics sectors that are specifically looking for MFaaS. T-Systems has nearly 2,400 FTEs (full time employees) in the mainframe business and an installed mainframe base of 306,000 MIPS (millions of instructions per second) in five data centers.

Future Mainframe Cloud ZaaS offering

ISG Provider Lens MFaaS

Its data center locations offer high bandwidth connections and are twin-core and highly secure. T-Systems has strong partnerships with the leading hyperscalers: AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. T-Systems is currently working on mainframe integration into the complete T-Systems Cloud Portfolio and all its processes (MF2Cloud).

Transformation as a process

T-Systems’ zFuture is a solution-agnostic mainframe transformation methodology. The zFuture Application Landscape Assessment is designed to analyze the current environment, on defining a future environment, and determine a transformation strategy. An assessment can be completed within four weeks.

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Looking for a mainframe partner? ISG’s Provider Lens™ provides insights into the strengths of Mainframe Services and solution providers created by independent industry analysts.

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