Doctor explains dementia therapy app to a patient

German cloud for new dementia therapy app

Denmark-based Brain+ uses Open Telekom Cloud to enter new markets

Brain+ developed the “CST-Therapist Companion” app on Open Telekom Cloud

To meet the strict guidelines for the German digital health market, the team wanted to provide the backend for its app from a German cloud, and Brain+ chose the Open Telekom Cloud. In addition to that, with a growing focus on the UK market, Open Telekom Cloud can provide a framework allowing the team to scale to the UK and later to the rest of Europe.

The challenge

  • Dementia therapy app, released in a first product version in Denmark and Germany 
  • Laying the foundations for acceptance as a digital health application (DiGA)
  • Meeting data security and data protection requirements in the cloud

The solution

  • Transferring the backend to the Open Telekom Cloud
  • Content Management System operated from the Open Telekom Cloud, using relational database service, elastic cloud server, elastic volume storage, caching, and backup
  • Full scalability and compliance with regulatory framework conditions

Open Telekom Cloud has given us the perfect stepping stone for offering our dementia therapy app in Germany and the UK as well.

George Webberley, Tech Lead, Brain+

Customer benefits

  • Open Telekom Cloud enables Brain+ to expand into Germany with its offerings and tap into the market potential for dementia
  • The platform allows Brain+ to deliver the services they offer in compliance with German regulatory requirements for health apps
  • Open Telekom Cloud offers full scalability for further business growth, fully supporting cloud-native technologies and expansion into other markets such as the UK
  • Support as an Open Telekom Cloud Circle partner

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About Brain+

Copenhagen-based scale-up Brain+ assists CST therapists with an in-house developed app called “CST-Therapist Companion”. The app is based on the latest scientific findings and supports conducting CST sessions by providing materials for exercises (from a content management system) to shorten preparation time and facilitate consistent delivery of the therapy. Furthermore, it organizes the flow of individual sessions. This app gives the therapist a comprehensive tool that manages, facilitates, and optimizes CST-based dementia therapy.


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