Topographical blue lines against a black background

Christina Luisa Stauf

Marketing Expert Digital & Content

About the author


What I love most about working in Marketing is developing new ideas on how clients can interact with our company and experience what we have to offer. It makes me proud to know that T-Systems is seen and appreciated on social networks.

My current focus is on social media and event communication (including virtual events). I love the vibe of events, the flow of information and exchange of experience and ideas. This also what I'm striving to bring into our social media channels. My ambition is to make our communication really engaging and meaningful for our clients.

I enjoy learning about innovative topics and solutions, primarily in the areas of IoT and KI, AI, and about the opportunities that these technologies bring to our lives, to business and to society.

Reach out to me for:
- discussing ideas about social media, communication and (virtual/hybrid) events
- creating meaningful interaction with clients

I'm looking forward to networking with you. 

All articles by Christina Luisa Stauf

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