Green footprints on the steps symbolise the carbon footprint.
May 09 2022 | Sustainability Services

Let green words be followed by green deeds

Sustainability is on everyone's agenda but how should you implement sustainable practices in your company? This is how T-Systems does it.

Male hand touching a holographic screen
January 31 2022 | Cloud Services

How to keep your digital dream afloat

70% of digital transformation projects fail. How can CIOs and CTOs prevent their ambitions from sinking?

Woman holding smartphone with heart symbols coming out of it
January 20 2022 | Data Intelligence

Find authentic digital brand ambassadors

How companies respond faster to market needs and create more personalized customer experiences.

A hand and a robot are holding gears and meet in the middle of the picture
September 27 2021 | Artificial Intelligence

Ensuring future-proof working models with AI

How AI is changing the world of work, setting up New Work environments and helping to drive innovation with transparent data analytics.

"Digital Marketing" in big white font with different icons around it. In the background: classic office setting
September 17 2021 | Immersive Technology

How digital marketing is shaping our future

Covid-19 accelerated digitization in many areas. A forecast of what the future might look like.

Five people standing and sitting in a futuristic office with a colourful city skyline in the background
September 07 2021 | Sustainability Services

Rethinking business models for a sustainable future

How business models are evolving to stay relevant and resilient

A businessman taps on a tablet, from which financial charts appear.
August 21 2020 | Cloud Services

Optimize Your Costs for Multi-Cloud

Reasons for high cloud bills include wasted cloud resources and pay-as-you-use payment models.

Hand hold smartphone, above it digital strip with emojis.
March 18 2020 | Strategy and Consulting

Experts as the link between communities

Social media also offers our teams a unique opportunity in the B2B sector to be close to our customers.

Green and blue paper spirals twisted into each other on a pink background.
August 16 2019 | Strategy and Consulting

Something different for a Change: Co-Innovation

So why not leave the well-worn paths and solve problems with new approaches like co-innovation?

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