Woman walking through a factory building holding a notebook
December 03 2021 | Security

Operational technology in crosshair

What can be done about the additional points of entry made possible through remote access points?

Conveyor belt with a red light
October 04 2021 | Security

Interdisciplinary security concepts required

How a Security Operations Center (SOC) enhances security in connected production environments and minimizes potential risks.

From a bird's eye view, an airplane and a ship cross the ocean.
September 30 2021 | Manufacturing Industries

Seven essential ingredients of a resilient supply chain

What factors have the most disruptive impact on supply chains? What can you do to improve resilience and mitigate the risks?

Two men in blue shirts standing infront of boxes
July 02 2021 | Artificial Intelligence

How to Power Successful AI Projects?

Scale your AI projects successfully with our AI Solution Factory.

Pink-blue colored prism-cuboid
November 17 2020 | Manufacturing Industries

Smart Simulation of Reality: Digital Twins

Digital twins are more than visual replicas of machines, buildings, or facilities. They depict virtual realities. Does the future belong to digital twins?

There is a dashboard in the foreground and a robot arm in the background.
August 11 2020 | Manufacturing Industries

Smart factory: Correctly digitized in 5 steps

The digitization strategy is a crucial aspect when progressing from a production plant to a smart factory.

Graphic representation of a car that draws blue lines behind it.
May 11 2020 | Automotive

200,000 key figures in real time

Thanks to T-Systems, SEAT is able to keep track of all goods – on the road and in the warehouse.

Illustration of a lightbulb made of white lines and a yellow ball of paper.
April 15 2020 | Automotive

Necessity is the mother of invention

Remarkable cooperation and creativity help to get through the crisis.

A man with working trousers, gloves and a silver pipe pulled over his head, dances quasi blind in a workshop.
January 31 2020 | Automotive

The smooth factory

Remember the acoustic coupler? It's a device from the "When the internet learned to walk" section.

Old army bathes in sea and keeps Smartphone reading above water
April 12 2019 | Security

Thus spoke the BSI…

Chemical factories, airports, nuclear reactors - a wealth of influencing factors should be considered before the desired location for a data center is found.

Bird's eye view of white labyrinth.
April 02 2019 | Manufacturing Industries

Hide and Seek on the Factory Site

A factory is a universe of its own - the bigger, the more confusing. The word processes suddenly takes on a completely different meaning there.

Wingsuit Jumper jumps from rocks with red beacon.
March 01 2019 | Manufacturing Industries

Up, up in the Air

Traffic congestion is a real problem. One possible solution: If inner-city traffic opens up the third dimension.

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