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Diego De Pablos Velez Medina

Former Chief Tomorrow Officer

About the author

Diego De Pablos Vélez Medina, Former Chief Tomorrow Officer

Diego's journey in life has been one of relentless pursuit towards a better future, fuelled by his curious and passionate nature. He graduated from International Relations in 2019, delving into the complexities of global relations, diplomacy and international law. This paved the way for a full-time internship at the Institute of European Studies in Belgrade, Serbia, where he gained a deeper understanding of European policies and their implementation.

His quest for knowledge led him to pursue the Master of International Sport Development and Politics, showcasing his interest in exploring the intersection of sports and politics. During this time, his Master's thesis focused on the inclusion of people with disabilities in Esports, highlighting their commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable future.

In his professional life, Diego was a working student for Eyeo GmbH, a company that specializes in Ad Blocking Technology and supervision, while also being an active sport and esports player. In October 2022, he started a full-time internship at T-Systems International as a Chief Tomorrow Officer, where he focused on developing a theoretical solution for an AI Health Coach in the Metaverse through Augmented Reality, in order to keep people moving in the metaverse.
His competitive spirit, honed as a former American football college athlete, is tempered by their ability to be a great team player, reflecting their holistic approach to life. His focus on preventive healthcare solutions through the development of an AI Coach for a better future showcases his commitment to creating a positive impact in the world. In conclusion, the author's journey highlights the importance of being curious, passionate, and motivated towards achieving a better future.

All articles by Diego De Pablos Velez Medina

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