Welcome to this three-part blog series on migrating your applications to the cloud. With numerous strategic, economic, resource, and technical considerations, the start of your cloud migration journey can be exciting and daunting in equal measure.
But the path to the cloud is well-trodden, with Mordor Intelligence predicting that the cloud migration services market will rise to rise to $444.34 billion by 2026. So, there are valuable lessons to be gained from those who have walked this path before.
The seven Rs build on the five Rs originally identified by Gartner in 2010. Today, the common cloud migration methods, as defined by AWS are:
I’ll take a deeper dive into each of these options throughout this blog series.
Before considering which cloud migration option is the best fit for your organization’s circumstances, it’s vital to collaborate with your stakeholders to agree on your cloud strategy. In some businesses, this can mean changing how you think about the cloud. Fundamentally, your cloud strategy should be an enabler of your business strategy. In some smaller and mid-sized businesses, technology-related decisions are confined to the IT team. Unless they have an intimate and comprehensive understanding of your organization’s challenges and drivers, there is a risk that your cloud strategy becomes misaligned and won’t support your long-term ambitions.
So, be clear on why you are moving to the cloud, your priorities, and specifically, what outcomes you expect and when. Further, it’s common to refer to a cloud execution plan as a cloud strategy, even at an enterprise level. They are discrete elements; creating your strategy first will ensure all parties are oriented in the right direction.
In our experience helping hundreds of organizations with their cloud journey, Re-hosting, also termed ‘lift and shift,’ is the most common migration method.
Re-hosting involves moving an application from a on-premises environment (e.g., one running on bare metal or in a traditional data center) to a cloud environment. The application (or service) is moved as-is to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
View Re-hosting as a relatively straightforward, first phase of your migration. You can then improve your applications to leverage the benefits of their new cloud environment.
For example:
The reason why Re-hosting is so popular is that it wins on two counts: time and skills. Other pros include:
What are the potential disadvantages?
If your applications are business-critical, continuous data replication can mitigate the risk and create some breathing space.
The Re-locate migration method is like re-host but is specifically for organizations that run their on-premises IT on VMware. VMware Cloud on AWS allows you to move a suite of applications quickly, making it ideal for those working to tight time frames. Re-locate can also refer to moving from one cloud provider to AWS.
During the coronavirus crisis, a German public sector organization was required to establish a digital payment solution to help thousands of businesses requiring urgent financial assistance. Shortly before the final load test by developers, it became worryingly apparent that the intended local operating platform would be unable to withstand the expected rush.
Our AWS specialists co-created a software-defined data center (SDDC) in 30 hours with three hosts, offering a complete VMware stack with computing, storage, and network resources. The SDDC uses bare metal servers at AWS, available exclusively to the organization. One notable result was a 400 percent performance gain for the web service.