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White paper: Catena-X – it’s all about taking part!

Set the course for sustainable and resilient company networks now

Everything new in automotive: The Catena-X ecosystem is launched

Catena-X provides a new industry standard for collaboration across the entire value creation in automotive construction. The ecosystem launched its first services in 2023. OEMs and suppliers of any size need to prepare to work together on an active and passive level. Our white paper demonstrates what now needs to be done – and what opportunities Catena-X has.

Here you will find answers to the following questions

  • What do I need to do to get involved with Catena-X?
  • What roles are in the ecosystem?
  • What opportunities are there for a technical connection?
  • How much effort does it need to take part?


Title page and three following pages of the white paper as a screenshot

Download the white paper for free

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