Magentafarbener Hintergrund

White paper: Automation as an act of liberation for hospitals

Healthcare process automation initiatives that bring a high-added value

Process optimization through automation for medical professionals

IT landscapes in hospitals show potential for automation. While core processes are often already automated and orchestrated by hospital information systems today, individual solutions still exist alongside them. These are designed for specific tasks and are rarely integrated. How can automation relieve medical professionals of such simple and repetitive administrative tasks?

The white paper provides insights into:

  • Demographics vs. the healthcare industry
  • Employee relief and process optimization through automation
  • The essence of automation
  • Application examples for automation in hospitals 
  • Efficiency gains and cost benefits with automation of bed provision
  • Introducing process automation that should be considered
  • Beyond strategy: realizing automation projects


Title page and three subsequent pages of the white paper as a screenshot

Download the white paper for free!

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