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Leader in digital and sustainability services

ISG ranks T-Systems as a leader in five categories in digital business and sustainability services for Germany

Leader in digital business services 4 years in a row

T-Systems has been named a leader in all five categories in the ISG Provider Lens™ Digital Business Enablement and ESG Services 2022, Germany report. T-Systems has built on its previous success as a market leader in digital business and sustainability services. ISG evaluated 25 vendors in total.

T-Systems: Top German IT services provider for digital and sustainability

5 leader badges

Kenn Walters, ISG Global Lead Analyst, comments: “T-Systems (Detecon) is a capable and powerful digital consulting and solutions delivery company. T-Systems has a strong CX solution and a vast partner ecosystem to deliver effectively. T-Systems is highly capable of delivering advanced DSC solutions and transformation. T-Systems is a credible advisory and delivery partner for sustainability solutions within Germany. T-Systems has strong digital reality capabilities with labs and some industry-specific solutions.”

ISG Provider Lens™ – Germany

In this report, ISG explains T-Systems’ key strengths and differentiators that make it a leader in all 5 categories. The report also provides a comparison of the standings of various IT services providers in Germany.

Taking the initiative instead of just reacting: How to secure your future with digital business models

Digital and sustainability

Kickstart your journey of business transformation with T-Systems’ digital services and do so in a sustainable way! You can also check how other clients have benefited by partnering with us.

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