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Leader in healthcare digital services

Information Services Group for Germany (ISG) recognizes T-Systems as leader in digital healthcare services 2022

Market-leading capabilities in healthcare digital services in Germany

Information Services Group (ISG), a leading global technology research and advisory firm, has recognized Telekom Healthcare Solutions and T-Systems as market leaders in healthcare digital services in Germany for the year 2022. According to the ISG Provider Lens™ report, “Healthcare Digital Services 2022” for Germany, Deutsche Telekom is ranked as a leader in two categories: Payer Digital Transformation Services and Provider Digital Transformation Services.

ISG highlighted the following key strengths, among others


Deutsche Telekom/T-Systems has a large base of renowned clients. Based on its Open Telekom Cloud, it offers customized solutions for clients in the healthcare market. The company’s Open Telekom Cloud is the only cloud solution in Germany that is certified for social and legal data and provides services for storage and exchange of patient data.

ISG Provider Lens™ – Germany

In this report, ISG explains T-Systems’ key strengths and differentiators that make it a leader in two categories. The report also provides a comparison of the standings of various IT service providers in Germany.

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ISG Provider Lens™ Healthcare Digital Services

Kick start your journey of business transformation with T-Systems’ healthcare digital services! You can also check how other clients have benefited by partnering with us.

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