T-Systems has joined the Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM). The association, which has more than 350 members from the automotive industry, develops standards for the communication of tools and programs in automotive development.
The association coordinates the development of technical standards through project groups made up of experts from its member companies. The goal is to enable all parts of a development process chain to exchange data. Today, many tools for simulations, measurement and application systems, and test automation already comply with ASAM standards worldwide.
The automotive industry is digitalizing as we speak. We can make a contribution to communication standards. So we plan to get involved in particular in shaping cloud-based diagnostic concepts for software-defined cars.
The association emerged in the 1990s from the working group for the standardization of automation and measurement systems. The development managers of Audi, BMW, Daimler-Benz, Porsche and Volkswagen, together with their suppliers, agreed on standards for measurement technology and test automation. This enabled the suppliers to develop a tool for many car manufacturers and thus reduce costs.